Tenderheart is my middlest daughter. She is very sweet, and always helpful. She is eight years old in this picture. She is 14 now. She enjoys reading, but not to the extent that Ms. Quality Time does. She has a very tender heart. It makes it very easy to hurt her feelings, even without meaning to, but it also makes her very aware of the needs around her. She is always the one to looks for the left-out kid and plays with them because she hates to feel left-out. Her tender heart blesses my soul.
She is great with children, works in the nursery at church, and regularly plays with small kids at our adult life group functions so that their parents are free to be social. She is very musical, playing piano and clarinet regularly. She dabbles in other instruments as well. She is going to public school part time so that she can be in the marching band. I'm not sure she'll want to do it again next year because her tender heart struggles with being yelled at by the band director, but it has been a growing and learning experience for her.