I am married to my best friend and the love of my life. He is my knight in shining armor-overlooking all my weaknesses and failures, encouraging me, and never pointing out my faults. He focuses on the best and ignores the rest. I'm so grateful that God brought us together and keeps us together!
My children, whom I refer to as The Bru Crew, are wonderful, and each have their own personalities. To learn more about them, see their pages.
I have many interests, none of which I have the time to pursue like I'd like to.
Jack Jill of many trades, master of none. I spend a lot of time researching homeschool curriculum and looking for good additions to our home library. I
recently acquired a fantastic camera in 2011, and I'd love to learn how to use all its features. I crochet, watch the birds, build when I find time, teach high school math and science online. I love to read, I'm trying to write, and I'm involved with my local theater. I sing with the praise team, greet people once a month and teach the middle school girls at my church on Sunday nights, as well.
My faith in Jesus Christ, and His gift of salvation is the basis for everything that I do. I want my life to be a fragrant offering, poured out for Him.